Chant in Sanskrit | English transliteration | Meaning | Benefits

Teyata Om Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Soha is said to free you from all opinions and attachments and aims to help awaken the soul.

Chant in Sanskrit

गते गते पार गते पार संगते बोधि स्वाहा

Chant in English transliteration

Teyata Om Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Soha

Meaning of the chant

Oh awakening that has gone to the far shore, completely gone to the far shore. Svaha.

Benefits of the chant

This chant appears at the end of the Heart Sutra. Many people believe that it helps you let go of pre-conceived notions, opinions, and attachments to become open to all wonders of life around you. The chant means that all things are empty, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that life is empty. It has the potential to guides you to not be attached to perceptions of others and see life clearly. The mantra is a movement towards awakening of oneself and may have a calming effect.

Important information about the chant

This sutra is chanted by Buddhists during meditation practices and meetings. The Heart Sutra is a small verse and teaches concepts of Buddhist philosophy. This mantra aims to push us towards enlightenment and encourages us to let go. You can chant or meditate on this mantra; however, the chanting should be rhythmic.