In Arabic | In Urdu | English transliteration | Meaning | Benefits

This Arabic phrase is recited to pay thanks to Allah for all His blessings.

In Arabic

ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ‎,

In Urdu


English transliteration



Praise be to God


The prayer itself can be used in many different ways depending on the situation. However, its main meaning is to thank God. It is a statement of gratitude to Allah for every gift that He gives to people, whether it is the gift of life, success in business, or good health. When the reciter thanks Allah, he lifts his prayer to God. It gives the right attention to your prayer.

This sacred sound can also be recited when people are facing difficulties in life because it is believed that every situation is created by God. Therefore, by praying to him, we can also get positive things out of them. It also believed to have many health benefits. When people reciting this prayer, their minds are put at ease. 

Having a positive and thankful attitude towards God can help us manage our stress. We can never be disappointed when we thank Allah; therefore, there is no need to be stressed or anxious. Being grateful towards God also potentially reduces the negative emotions inside us. We feel happier, relaxed, and hopeful. It may increase our self-esteem and gives us mental strength to face any obstacle in life. Every human being is materialistic and that is not a bad thing. However, if it takes over our true purpose of life, problems arise. Ultimate happiness does not lie in having the most possessions. It lies in being benevolent. Finally, it is believed that this prayer forges a better relationship with Allah. It invokes His mercy upon us.