Sadi was one of the major medieval Persian poets of the 12th century. Here’s a soulful passage on the graceof God.
I cannot give thanks to that Friend, for I know of none that are worthy. Every hair of my body is a gift from Him; how could I. thank Him for every hair?
Praise be to the munificent Lord, Who from non-existence brought His creatures into being. Who can describe His goodness? All praises are encompassed by His glory.
See how from childhood to old age he has. endowed thee with a splendid robe!
He made thee pure; therefore, be pure—unworthy it is to die impured by sin.
Let not the dust remain upon the mirror, for once grown dull it never again will polish.
When thou dost seek to gain the means of life, rely not upon the strength of thine own. arms.
O self-worshipper! why lookest thou not to God, Who giveth power to thy hand?
If by thy striving thou dost aught of good, take not the credit to thyself; know it to be by the grace of God.
Thou standest not by thine own strength—from the Invisible art thou sustained each moment.
A. Hart Edwards. The Bustan of Sadi. John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1911.